Last couple of weeks have been full of panic situations like tests..external pressure...last dates for paper submissions for journal... and fluctuating emotions.....
Out of all, the first one occurs frequently......and the second one not so often but this also occurs..
But the third one that is fluctuating emotions is very dangerous as well as having a daunting effect with it..It captivates the mind completely.....It's very difficult to get out of this as well..
In fact most of the people (probably I am one of those and already started work for transformation....) ,not having sufficient courage to undertake the particular situation, sidestep even the most important works just because of the fact that their mind is gripped with EMOTIONNS and they are easily tricked by the this very low spacing web of EMOTIONS..
The same happened with me as well..My mind was gripped by some different type of thinking which is not prevalent for me........
The worst thing of this happens when our actions are governed by just vague EMOTIONS...I think nothing in this world can be more pain causing. It's having neither future nor present...but this happens and had already happened with me........i donno WHY ???
In fact these kind of pain can not be cured by any kind of ASPRIN or any other pills..
This is incurable.....
The only way to survive under these conditions is to have a full balanced set of mind not to be driven by Emotions....
...........Having principle centered life and value driven action plan........As all these are having intrinsic power in itself.....which prevail forever..........
But million dollor question arises HOW TO ALWAYS BE PRINCIPLE CENTRED AND VALUE DRIVEN???
That's the question which I donno the answer to..But keen to know...
Because I personally think that constantly living with priciple and values is the biggest challenge ever existed on the earth.......any way as I've already stated that test itself is a difficult situation to handle but what if the the test is of diffucult situation handling...then the situaion becomes more complex and each second of this kind of situation enriches the experience.....The same was my test which I had to face as a part of OPJEM...schol....In this way this week was a complete transforming week of my life.....that's one of the biggest achievement I have till now.......


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